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Kimber Frantz

I can't stop reading. Or buying books. Or talking about books.

Currently reading

A Red-Rose Chain: An October Daye Novel
Seanan McGuire
The Bell Jar
Sylvia Plath
Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion
Gregory Boyle

The Secret History of Moscow

The Secret History of Moscow - Ekaterina Sedia The Secret History of Moscow was one of my favorite reads this year. After reading it, I immediately read Moscow But Dreaming, a collection of short stories mixing dark fantasy, magical realism, Russian folklore and bleak, modern day Moscow with real world issues, another favorite of the year. These stories are dark, gritty, disturbing, and powerful. I'm planning to read everything else this author has written, and if my feelings hold true, she'll be a new favorite author for me.